Thursday, 25 July 2013

The p-e-r-f-e-c-t summer snack in less than 15 minutes!

I know everyone complains about the weather, "it's too hot" my Nana said wearing a jumper (in her defense she had just got back from Spain) but then in winter when it's -8 everyone complains its too cold! But sometimes it really is too hot to have something piping hot for dinner and there's only so many days you can live off sandwiches, ice cream and sausage rolls. 

So today, before dinner I scoured the internet and found... well nothing that matched what i felt like eating what we had in the cupboards. But I did get some inspiration from this Tesco recipe. (I did say was inspired from right?). However with my slight fussiness and recent obsession with cheese, I replaced the cod with southern fried chicken goujons and ate my way through half of the cheese before I stuffed cheese inbetween the chicken and the southern fried edge. 

And the best part? They were ready in less than 15 minutes! I think they turned out rather well, with as few ingredients as possible and I found 4 left just enough room for an ice cream afterwards! 

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